Sunday, April 6, 2008

Museum of Natural History

Saturday me and my girlfriend went to the Museum of Natural History and the Hayden Planetarium Space Theatre. The Museum was ok, a little boring in my opinion, glad its free, but the video "Collisions" that we saw in the planetarium was worth the trip.

The museum was the same old thing, statues of animals, 150 million year old bones, African civilizations and a bunch of Indians. Nothing of which grabs my attention much. The only thing that did was the small corner dedicated to the Egyptians, a very small corner.

Finally the time came for us to head to the theatre in the planetarium and watch the show. It was worth the neck pains to watch. The video was narrated by Robert Redford and the first segment was on the formation of the moon which I already knew from my astronomy class back in high school.

It is said that another planet collided with Earth back when it was first created. This collision caused chunks of the planet to be thrown int o space and being caught in Earth's gravitational pull and over the course of a month all those chunks were brought together and rounded out into our moon. It then talked of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Finally it talked of how our galaxy is going to collide with our nearest neighboring galaxy the Andromeda galaxy forming one giant galaxy.

All of it was very interesting and unfortunately was only about 1/2 hour long.

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