Monday, March 31, 2008

Listening To My Dad

The day before we left for the city I was getting directions from my dad. "Straight out of the Ferry head left" so we do. We keep walking left and following the water. We had a map by the way but I figured if we head left and follow the water we would eventually hit the place since it was on the water.

Eventually I got fed up and called when he said "No I said Right" I hung up on him walked away from my girlfriend and friend had my hands in a fist and tried calming down. When my girlfriend was about to walk over I said "No, stay there!" then when I finally calmed down I said "ok lets go" they asked what happened and I told them and my girlfriend said "ok why dont we just backtrack" and still a little pissed I said "I'm not backtracking, we just need to walk across. IF we backtrack we're walking even more and I dont have the patience for it" And through all this my friend is saying "We're dead"

We finally get there two hours later then I had planned with all the delays.

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