Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Hate this Island

I really hate this island, there is absolutely nothing to do worth doing here. Everything about this island is horrible. The people, the stores, even the air.

The majority of the people on this island are just plain assholes. And it seems more and more are popping up. Everytime I run into someone nice I usually say "They werent born/raised here" and usually they are not. But really its not just Staten Island, Jersey and Brooklyn can take some blame too since we are all so closely knit.

As for things to do one word "mall" and its a horrible mall. Never anything you want in stock, never your size, never where you are looking for it. Its always too big, too small, out of stock, or in the wrong section. And dont bother asking for help. "Excuse me do you happen to have..." and before you can finish "Whatevers out there is what we have" makes me want to say "Wow drop dead" and knock over a shelf.

Usually when I am in my room for too long my dad would come and say "Why dont you go out and get some fresh air" and my answer is "Nah smells like dead fish out there" and it does. In particular more towards south shore. North Shore just gets waves of smells from the dump but they have gotten better since they are apparently cleaning the dump. Makes me laugh, they are cleaning garbage. Actually when I drive passed it the hills look multi-color. I think they are just burying the garbage.

I want to move since I really have no ties here. Except I dont know where to move worth moving. Jersey is out, Florida...nah. California, uh NO! No thanks to some hick town either. I think I am just better off in isolation, my own house away from everyone and everything.

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